As for running, well I’d never really run on an ongoing regular basis until I moved to Port Macquarie. Since moving I pretty much went for a jog or a cycle fairly regularly. It wasn’t until I came across that I took a much greater interest in turning jogging into running and added some purpose to the whole thing.
That was the middle of last year…since then I’ve been for a run with Sydney Striders on their Homebush Bay course and, thanks to CRs MinersRun, a few runs with a group of runners that heads out for a run of a Wednesday after work. I had a fairly slow December/January/February as far as running goes, which included posting on Cool Running, although I’d have a read through on a regular basis…it was not assisted by the humid weather, a bit of a bug, and other matters that got in the way. Getting along for an afternoon run was just way out of the question so I’ve pretty much stuck to early morning runs, and am now finally building back up to a more regular schedule and want to get back into the Wednesday arvo runs.
I’m currently running about 100km a month, and I’m aiming to slowly build that up with some more longer runs rather than the 6km runs that I tend to do now.
Ran 48.30 for 10km at Homebush last year and as posted on CR, I’m aiming for 45min this year. Have to see which Striders runs I can coincide with my trips to Sydney over the next few months. I was actually due to see U2 on the 1st April this year, which would have suited doing their Domain run that morning, but since the concert was postponed I’ll be heading straight back to Port as the Ironman is on up here that weekend. I’m still in Sydney that week (apart from flying up to Maroochydore for a couple of days to get a new customer set up).
I fly back to Sydney late Friday night, then back to Port Saturday morning. There should be plenty of CRs up here that weekend!
I won’t be making the City to Surf this year as it’s being held this year on my second child’s exact due date…and they probably won’t reconsider a date change of either event so that’s that.
I have a few goals that I'd like to aim for.
The first one now being less than 3 months away, which is to complete the Macleay River Half Marathon on the June long weekend, and another Half later in the year in which I can then set a time that I'd like to beat based on my initial result in June. For the first one I’m not sure on the time to aim for yet – probably 1hr 40min to 1hr 50min. I’ll reassess that a bit further into the training once I’ve done a few longer runs.
Then in 2007 I'm aiming to complete the Marathon distance, and 2008 could then be something like Six Foot Track, or a Half Ironman if I happened to venture down the triathlon path, which is unlikely at this stage due to the cost of gearing up for that when there's a mortgage to pay and nappies to buy! So running with it's very low equipment cost looks like the go for now. These goals are not that taxing in terms of time frames as I'm not going to be breaking any records so there's no rush and I don't feel the need to launch into an all out training regime.
My main goal is to be able to exercise long into the future without attracting overuse injuries so I'm happy to ease in the pace and distance steadily. Not to mention lose a few kilos along the way. Additionally with an 8 month old daughter, another baby (70% percent probability of a boy this time) due in August, work, Jodie studying nursing at uni and work, there is plenty to fill my time without a huge training commitment. So a run on average 4 mornings a week while the rest of the household is still in bed suits me just fine for now.
That was the middle of last year…since then I’ve been for a run with Sydney Striders on their Homebush Bay course and, thanks to CRs MinersRun, a few runs with a group of runners that heads out for a run of a Wednesday after work. I had a fairly slow December/January/February as far as running goes, which included posting on Cool Running, although I’d have a read through on a regular basis…it was not assisted by the humid weather, a bit of a bug, and other matters that got in the way. Getting along for an afternoon run was just way out of the question so I’ve pretty much stuck to early morning runs, and am now finally building back up to a more regular schedule and want to get back into the Wednesday arvo runs.
I’m currently running about 100km a month, and I’m aiming to slowly build that up with some more longer runs rather than the 6km runs that I tend to do now.
Ran 48.30 for 10km at Homebush last year and as posted on CR, I’m aiming for 45min this year. Have to see which Striders runs I can coincide with my trips to Sydney over the next few months. I was actually due to see U2 on the 1st April this year, which would have suited doing their Domain run that morning, but since the concert was postponed I’ll be heading straight back to Port as the Ironman is on up here that weekend. I’m still in Sydney that week (apart from flying up to Maroochydore for a couple of days to get a new customer set up).
I fly back to Sydney late Friday night, then back to Port Saturday morning. There should be plenty of CRs up here that weekend!
I won’t be making the City to Surf this year as it’s being held this year on my second child’s exact due date…and they probably won’t reconsider a date change of either event so that’s that.
I have a few goals that I'd like to aim for.
The first one now being less than 3 months away, which is to complete the Macleay River Half Marathon on the June long weekend, and another Half later in the year in which I can then set a time that I'd like to beat based on my initial result in June. For the first one I’m not sure on the time to aim for yet – probably 1hr 40min to 1hr 50min. I’ll reassess that a bit further into the training once I’ve done a few longer runs.
Then in 2007 I'm aiming to complete the Marathon distance, and 2008 could then be something like Six Foot Track, or a Half Ironman if I happened to venture down the triathlon path, which is unlikely at this stage due to the cost of gearing up for that when there's a mortgage to pay and nappies to buy! So running with it's very low equipment cost looks like the go for now. These goals are not that taxing in terms of time frames as I'm not going to be breaking any records so there's no rush and I don't feel the need to launch into an all out training regime.
My main goal is to be able to exercise long into the future without attracting overuse injuries so I'm happy to ease in the pace and distance steadily. Not to mention lose a few kilos along the way. Additionally with an 8 month old daughter, another baby (70% percent probability of a boy this time) due in August, work, Jodie studying nursing at uni and work, there is plenty to fill my time without a huge training commitment. So a run on average 4 mornings a week while the rest of the household is still in bed suits me just fine for now.
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