no Dive, Rock 'n Run: Week 11 of 18

Dive, Rock 'n Run

Actually more "Run" than anything else at the moment!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Week 11 of 18

This was a recovery / adaptation week, with relatively low km and only 3 running sessions. There were supposed to be a couple of cross training sessions, but I missed out on them again.

Tuesday 13km Aerobic Run
Easy run into town and back via the industrial area. Nothing to see here.

Thursday 8.5km Hill Reps
After a quick warm up through Dahlsford Estate and part of Crestwood Estate I put in a 10 minute effort. Only problem was I foolishly chose Celestial Way for the start of this “flat” part of the run…the street name describes where this street heads. Just lucky I didn’t divert up Heavenly Ridge or I really would have been in trouble. Oh well, so the hill reps started early. Anyway, I finished the 10 minute effort at the bottom of today’s official hill and did 3 x 90 second reps. Felt good throughout, although I kicked a bit too hard into the 2nd rep and faded a little near the top.

Saturday 23km Long Run
I ran via town on the way out and back from a loop to the airport. I took this run a bit too lightly and suffered mildly as a result. Apart from mentally taking it lightly I think I started a bit too quick, and by about 30 minutes was struggling. I just kept reminding myself to slog through it and I’d come good, which of course came true within about 10 minutes. I also had a tough time with the hills along Pacific Drive at the end of the run. A good lesson in respecting any distance, good practice for hanging in there, and learnt at a good time.
The 36km coming up this weekend certainly won’t be taken lightly!



  • At 6:21 pm, Blogger miners said…

    I'll keep an eye out for you on your long run and yell some positive encouragement :)

  • At 7:24 pm, Blogger Ewen said…

    Those long runs can be real tests of character. I've been using the 'start much slower than I expect to finish' method.

    Perhaps avoid Crestwood Estate for the 36k ;) Good luck!

  • At 6:25 pm, Blogger TD said…

    Another good, albeit, lower intensity week, Paul. Your body will thank you for it I think when you have to do that 36k'er which is a long run in anyone's book. I wouldn't think there will be too many more of them to come.


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