no Dive, Rock 'n Run: Back into an easy 6km

Dive, Rock 'n Run

Actually more "Run" than anything else at the moment!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Back into an easy 6km

It was great to get back out for a run again today as planned. Only my nose and fingers complained about the chill in the air today as all my other senses were too busy enjoying the beautiful morning sunshine and the birds singing.

As part of my new regime I reacquainted myself with the heart rate monitor today. It helped me cruise through for an average of 143bpm in 36 minutes. I caught myself coasting on 122 and 131 bpm on a couple of slight downhills, but made up for it up the hills.

Now that I can Google Earth my runs properly I’m going to trace out a few of my regular ones until the novelty wears off! Today’s run is indeed a regular for me, which is my run “around the back of Waniora” - Granite, Hamlyn, McLaren, etc. GE reckons it’s 6.27km rather than the 6km I’ve always worked on - at least I’m under reporting rather than over reporting my distances…and what’s a couple of hundred metres give or take anyway!


  • At 1:21 pm, Blogger Simlin said…

    When you get sick of GE, you will have to upgrade to a Garmin! That will add hours of further enjoyment ;O)

  • At 2:05 pm, Blogger Mandy said…

    You know a Garmin will do that for you...there has to be some refurbished X01s around.

  • At 6:17 pm, Blogger miners said…

    hey - noice maps

  • At 2:52 pm, Blogger Chelle said…

    dont you just love G.E - its so interesting to see where you've been... I make Mr Chelle go though the whole route with me as punishment for staying in bed for those extra two hours :)


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