no Dive, Rock 'n Run: Bloglines feed

Dive, Rock 'n Run

Actually more "Run" than anything else at the moment!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Bloglines feed

I've noticed over the last week or so that when I publish a new post Bloglines seems to be picking up random posts that I haven't edited for weeks as though they have just been edited. No doubt it's an issue on the Blogger side of things. I haven't noticed it from anyone else's blog.

Has anyone else had this issue or know how I can stop it happening?

Sorry to anyone using bloglines or another aggregator that's getting blasted with old posts - I don't edit old posts so don't bother trying to find the edits! :(

(No doubt there are a couple more coming your way with this post!!) :P


  • At 12:47 pm, Blogger Shane said…

    Sorry cant help mate, I just noticed it on that last post you did that very old post come through. Strange, I have just subscibed to my own blog to see if it is occuring with mine.

  • At 2:53 pm, Blogger Tesso said…

    I noticed too. Every time Bloglines tells me you have five new entries I just figure you've been doing lots of training :-)


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