no Dive, Rock 'n Run: Tuesday 5km

Dive, Rock 'n Run

Actually more "Run" than anything else at the moment!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tuesday 5km

Just a leisurely half hour recovery run around the Waniora area this morning.

Even though this was such a nice easy run, there was a slight mental difficulty to deal with. After the level of effort involved over the last couple of runs I felt like I was really slacking off today. As I was kicking along thoughts popped into my head about how I could get too used to this, and the temptation to lift the intensity increased. But the program said "Recovery" so recovery it was! Unfortunately I left it at home, but these are the sort of runs whether I’ve always found the heart rate monitor particularly useful to help make sure I keep it relaxed.


  • At 10:47 am, Blogger Mandy said…

    Have you not read my goose rants? It's damn near mandatory.

  • At 1:44 pm, Blogger miners said…

    good restraint shown mate - and you're right, you have plenty of time before the big race.

    Well done on the map spotting btw - I'll get the video to you sometime, however even better, I have someone making me up a DVD of the race coverage, and it also includes a copy of the coverage of the Monaco Half IM (very hilly, but amazingly scenic) as well in case you need more inspiration!

  • At 2:55 pm, Blogger Mandy said…

    Ironmen in the bushes..ugh!!! the heat...eating at my brain...ugh!!

  • At 6:54 pm, Blogger TD said…

    Short but interesting post, Paul. Our minds can play curious little games and I agree with miners that you showed good restraint. That's not always easy to do.

    Thanks also for your regular comments on my blog. I really appreciate them. I've noticed your comments on many blogs, which shows you are good people person as well as a runner.

  • At 9:15 am, Blogger Sekhmet said…

    I too find it really hard on recovery runs - the temptation to up the pace is nearly unbearable! But we all know that we grow stronger and fitter during our rest and recovery phases....It's a shame those little competitive voices in our heads won't listen though!


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