no Dive, Rock 'n Run: Sub Zero Temperatures

Dive, Rock 'n Run

Actually more "Run" than anything else at the moment!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Sub Zero Temperatures

No running today, just an update on that overnight temperature from yesterday.

The forecast had been for 4 degrees, but it turns out that we got a sub zero low overnight! On the news I heard -2, but the Bureau of Meteorology quotes -1.

Either way that's damn cold for around here...cold for Miners on the bike and cold for me and my fingers running!!


  • At 9:34 am, Blogger Tesso said…

    Man, and its not even winter year.

    I hope it was a rostered rest day and not the cold that stopped you from running :-)

  • At 11:22 am, Blogger miners said…

    Glad someone else can confirm the temp for everyone outside Port. Man it was cold.

  • At 2:01 pm, Blogger Mandy said…

    Almost cold enough for my new Nike running gloves.

    Are you two turning into weathermen?

  • At 9:05 pm, Blogger Random Psychologist said…

    I have to say i feel better about the fact that i have been whinging about the cold in newcastle for the last 6 years after leaving port :) its about time those temps dropped below 20 degrees up there :P


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