no Dive, Rock 'n Run: Running with Vlastik

Dive, Rock 'n Run

Actually more "Run" than anything else at the moment!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Running with Vlastik

Today was originally to be cross training on the bike, but with Vlastik approaching I was up for another run. He’s actually due into Port Macquarie around lunchtime Monday before heading off again Tuesday morning, but because I won’t be here tomorrow I took the opportunity to meet up with him today.

Vlastik is an Ultra Marathoner who is running from the south of Tasmania to the north of Queensland. All up it’s around 5500km that he’s planning on completing in 100 days. That’s an ultra marathon every day for more than 3 months!!! It’s all to raise funds for Camp Quality, who are a non-profit charity organisation that supports children with cancer. There is a Cool Running thread here with updates on his journey, as well as his blog that he updates when he can. He also has a link on the main page of the Camp Quality site which contains links to his schedule and a donation form :)

I drove south with Jodie and Isabel until we came across Vlastik, Jo and Asta (their dog) by the side of the highway near Coopernook having a cup of tea. We spent some time having a chat with these lovely people before they set off again. Isabel always gets excited when she meets children and animals, and it was no exception with Asta, as she squealed with delight while we were trying to talk!! Sadly Asta had some stomach problems in Karuah so he wasn’t feeling too well still. We gave them a map of the local area and a donation, and it was soon time to head off. The girls all headed up the highway in the support vehicles while I set off for a run with Vlastik.

He’s a really nice guy, and it was so interesting talking to him about some of the things he’s done, and good for a chat in general. He elaborated on some of runs that are mentioned in his blog profile…just amazing! The girls were stopped a couple of times along the way for a quick drink and a couple of photos. The distance passed by very fast. All up I ran with him almost to Johns River - about 12km and well over an hour before we had to get Isabel back home for some food, a bottle and a sleep.

Driving back to Port made me appreciate what Vlastik is doing knowing that he was going to be running the whole way rather than cruising in a car, and the section I ran with him was such a small part of his journey. The day to day reality is that it’s just Vlastik, Jo and Asta out there on the road every day no matter what the conditions. They really appreciate any support they can get along the way. As far as I’m concerned they are the ones that deserve the appreciation. The world is a much better place thanks to these sort of people that are willing to get out there and do things that are so difficult in order to raise money for such a wonderful cause.

It was a real pleasure to meet Vlastik, Jo and Asta. I think his run so far has had a fairly low profile considering the scope of what he is doing, but I believe this is picking up and I truly hope they can get some increased support as they travel north. It would be hard enough completing a "simple" Marathon without support, let alone a huge undertaking like this over such a long period. It was a morning I won’t forget, and I hope that the small amount of support I could provide helps him on his journey.

Vlastik was saying things may be difficult as they move beyond Cairns as some 4WD support that was arranged can now unavoidably lend a hand, so I hope that situation resolves itself when they get to that point.

So now, just after the girls arrived back on Friday it’s me that’s heading away :( I’m out of here tomorrow, but Jodie’s brother is on a break from Uni, so is visiting to help them out while I’m away. He also dives, so with a bit of luck we'll get out for a dive when I get back, which is something I haven’t done since my pre blog days. It's really overdue seeing as it's in my blog title!

A couple of “action” photos and one with Isabel getting in on the act:


  • At 8:08 pm, Blogger miners said…

    Fantastic stuff mate! Great that you managed to find time to run with him, and I'm sure he really appreciated the support. Great photos too! :)

  • At 8:37 pm, Blogger Phil Essam said…

    Thanks Portrnr. Yes he's a Great Guy along with his fantastic wife, Jo. They deserve all the help they can get.

  • At 1:29 pm, Blogger Tesso said…

    Wow, good on you for getting out there and supporting Vlastk. What a buzz it must've been. That's gonna be one of those runs you'll remember forever.

    I can't wait till he gets up to Brissie now!

  • At 1:51 pm, Blogger Mandy said…

    Hope some of your promotional efforts pay off. We have had a few things like that here, and while they do get pretty good press...still not as much as they should considering the effort.

  • At 7:46 pm, Blogger Cirque said…

    That's fantastic. I hope we can help make his journey into Brisbane as valuable as possible. If you have any hints - please let us know!

  • At 8:04 pm, Blogger TD said…

    Great post Paul and wonderful of you to bring the story to us. I had been following Vlastk's travels. It's more evidence, not that any was needed, of the wonderful people that make up our passion.

  • At 8:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A terrific post, & loved the photo's.

  • At 8:51 pm, Blogger Jen said…

    Good on you Paul. What an awesome effort to take the time to run with him; I have absolutely no doubt that he would have appreciated the support.


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