no Dive, Rock 'n Run: Here are the photos

Dive, Rock 'n Run

Actually more "Run" than anything else at the moment!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Here are the photos


  • At 4:19 pm, Blogger Ruune said…

    What a cutie, and intelligent too - you can see it in the eyes....

  • At 4:22 pm, Blogger Sekhmet said…

    What a little sweetie!

    Sorry to hear about your injury, but at least you can still get on the bike and in the pool.

    I'm getting excited about my change of scneery now and hopefully I will see you at a race soon!

  • At 4:23 pm, Blogger miners said…

    glad you explained the last photo - I was a bot worried what Isabel was up to!

    Good to hear everyone's well - except the big fella himself. Take care of that calf mate - can be one of the more annoying injuries around :(

  • At 7:40 pm, Blogger Ellie80 said…

    oh what a cutie!!!!! can i borrow them some time? i love the last one in particular - its a fine line between a face lick and a kiss :)

  • At 9:03 pm, Blogger Jen said…

    LOL, that last photo is a classic. You'll have to tell Isabella that he's not an ice cream, LOL!

  • At 10:00 pm, Blogger Tesso said…

    Great pics. Thanks for sharing. What a little ripper :-)

  • At 11:40 pm, Blogger Mandy said…

    Very very cute'll have to talk to Isabel about the tongue use in future years. :P

  • At 11:09 am, Blogger Rachel said…

    Gorgeous! Does Dad get sloppy kisses from Isabella too?!!

  • At 2:15 pm, Blogger Lulu said…

    Very cute kiddies! I think he looks like you, your new boy!

    Hope the calf is nothing serious and fixes itself after a few days rest.

  • At 9:33 pm, Blogger Shane said…

    Sorry im a bit behind the times. Congratulations Paul wondeful news and nice pics.

    Enjoy your time, it's great isn't it and take care.

  • At 2:09 pm, Blogger TD said…

    Agree with the others Paul, magnificant photos and thank you for sharing them with us. You have a beautiful little family.

  • At 12:29 am, Blogger R2B said…

    How cute!!
    That kiss is something my little boy tries on me at times but he follows up with a friendly bite!

  • At 5:23 pm, Blogger Unknown said…



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