no Dive, Rock 'n Run: No news means more work for me

Dive, Rock 'n Run

Actually more "Run" than anything else at the moment!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

No news means more work for me

No baby news at the moment and no further indications over the last couple of weeks, so we’re just playing the waiting game. Jodie’s in a fair amount of discomfort so I’m trying to take care of as much as I can around the place outside of work which doesn’t leave any spare time. It’ll be a relief to have a couple of weeks’ holiday when the baby does arrive - I think I’ll need it, although I’m sure I won’t get much rest!

In the running department:

Funny how I skip a day here, then a couple there and all of a sudden I’ve only done two runs since this time last week. Probably not surprising though, as there’s been plenty of rain over the last week and I’m not in the mood for cold, wet runs at the moment! Over the last week there have been some very heavy downpours, a few isolated thunderstorms, and even a brief hailstorm that came out of nowhere! I managed to find breaks in the downpours for both of these runs.

Friday 7km

Tackled a few hills with this run that took me down around Flynns Beach.

Sunday 14km

This was a couple of loops with a pit stop back home in the middle. The first was a standard route around the back of Waniora to Hamlyn Drive, followed by an Emerald Downs / Lighthouse Beach loop.


  • At 2:43 pm, Blogger Ellie80 said…

    still no baby?!?! poor jodie! can't believe you don't want to run in the hail - clearly going soft... :) hehe

  • At 4:29 pm, Blogger Rachel said…

    Hope you are going to find time for some runs during your 'holiday'!

  • At 5:02 pm, Blogger miners said…

    all the best to both of you in these last few waning hours. You did well to dodge the hailtstorms to get out for run mate - it hasn't been easy has it?

  • At 8:30 pm, Blogger Lulu said…

    Hope the baby comes soon. I'm sure you'll be very busy once it's here though so you'd better get a few more runs in quick!!

  • At 8:34 pm, Blogger Jen said…

    Completely ignore what Ellie said - she HATES running in the rain.

    Can't believe jnr isn't here yet. Surely you've got time to squeeze in another trip to Sydney? ;-)

  • At 6:47 am, Blogger TD said…

    Probably wont be much longer Paul. And my best wishes to you and Jodie that all will be okay. I will think of you guys and the bub to be during the C2S on Sunday.


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